Little Mouse's Summer

Riikka Jäntti

Original title: Pikku hiiren hellekesä

Author: Riikka Jäntti

Published: 2020

Publisher: Tammi

Genre: Picture Books (0-3 Years)

Pages: 48

Part of a series: Little Mouse series

Reading material:

Full English pdf

Little Mouse series – Book 6

Summer holiday is full of fun: going to the amusement park, playing by the beach and visiting the art museum. Buying strawberries and ice cream, and going to the cinema when the weather is too hot. Little Mouse knows that one must enjoy the summer, because it doesn’t last forever.

I really like Little Mouse books. What I appreciate most is how well they capture their little readers's attention and deals with issues that are important to them, approaching them from their perspective. The mouse and mother live a normal life with their joys and annoyances. That is why I think we too are reading these books over and over again. A strong recommendation for both Little Mouse's Summer and the whole series.

Kirjavinkit blog

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Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)
ESTONIA: Rahva Raamat AS
FRANCE: Cambourakis
GERMANY: Cross Cult
ROMANIA: Editura Paralela 45
RUSSIA: Strecoza

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About author

Riikka Jäntti

Riikka Jäntti, a 2003 graduate of University of Industrial Art of Helsinki, now part of Aalto University, is a Helsinki-based illustrator and author who has created art for both nonfiction and fairy tale books for children. Her first children’s book was published in 2005. Jäntti is best known for the adorable Little Mouse series that has publishers in 20 territories, including Australia, Nepal, and China!

In her illustrations, she uses pen and ink as well as watercolor and gouache. In 2009 Jäntti won the first-ever Tieto-Lauri, an award for children’s and juvenile non-fiction, for her illustrations in Viidakkotanssi (Jungle Dance). The book was written by Markku Löytönen about the explorer Rafael Karsten in Ecuador.


2025, Chapter Books (3-6 Years)

Riikka Jäntti

Little Mouse and the Amazing Universe

2024, Chapter Books (3-6 Years)

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Little Mouse's School Picture Day

2024, Picture Books (0-3 Years)

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Little Mouse Goes on a Cruise

2023, Picture Books (0-3 Years)

Riikka Jäntti

Little Mouse Welcomes Spring

2023, Picture Books (0-3 Years)

Riikka Jäntti

Little Mouse Goes to the Museum

2022, Picture Books (0-3 Years)

Riikka Jäntti

Little Mouse's Fables

2022, Picture Books (0-3 Years)

Riikka Jäntti

Little Mouse and the Birthday Present

2021, Picture Books (0-3 Years)

Riikka Jäntti

Little Mouse Goes Camping

2020, Picture Books (0-3 Years)

Riikka Jäntti

Little Mouse's Summer

2019, Picture Books (0-3 Years)

Riikka Jäntti

Little Mouse's Winter

2018, Picture Books (0-3 Years)

Riikka Jäntti

Little Mouse's Holiday

2017, Picture Books (0-3 Years)

Riikka Jäntti

Little Mouse's Christmas

2016, Picture Books (0-3 Years)

Riikka Jäntti

Little Mouse Helps Out

2015, Picture Books (0-3 Years)

Riikka Jäntti

Little Mouse