Original title: Pikku hiiren hellekesä
Author: Riikka Jäntti
Published: 2020
Publisher: Tammi
Genre: Picture Books (0-3 Years)
Pages: 48
Part of a series: Little Mouse series
Reading material:
Full English pdf
Little Mouse series – Book 6
Summer holiday is full of fun: going to the amusement park, playing by the beach and visiting the art museum. Buying strawberries and ice cream, and going to the cinema when the weather is too hot. Little Mouse knows that one must enjoy the summer, because it doesn’t last forever.
I really like Little Mouse books. What I appreciate most is how well they capture their little readers's attention and deals with issues that are important to them, approaching them from their perspective. The mouse and mother live a normal life with their joys and annoyances. That is why I think we too are reading these books over and over again. A strong recommendation for both Little Mouse's Summer and the whole series.
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Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)
ESTONIA: Rahva Raamat AS
FRANCE: Cambourakis
GERMANY: Cross Cult
ROMANIA: Editura Paralela 45
RUSSIA: Strecoza