We are happy to report that Sinikka Nopola‘s and Tiina Nopola‘s Ricky Rapper books and many others have been published around the globe!
In Spain Santillana published Ricky Rapper and Needy Nelly (Risto Räppääjä ja nukkavieru Nelli, Tammi 2012) and in Slovenia Sodobnost launched the series with Time’s Up, Ricky Rapper (Hetki lyö, Risto Räppääjä, Tammi 1997). In the Arab World Ricky Rapper and Noodlehead (Risto Räppääjä ja nuudelipää, Tammi 2000) has been published by Dar al Saqi simultaneously with Siri makes a Goal (Siiri tekee maalin, Tammi 2012) by Tiina Nopola and Mervi Lindman.
Swedish Siri fans will find two news titles in shops, namely Siri and the Yeti (Siiri ja lumimies, Tammi 2012) and Siri and the Upstairs Neighbour (Siiri ja yläkerran Onni, Tammi 2003). In Poland Foksal launched Siri’s adventures with Siri and Her New Friends (Siiri ja kolme Ottoa, Tammi 2002) and Siri and messy Gretel (Siiri ja sotkuinen kerttu, Tammi 2004). Foksal has also published their edition of Sari Peltoniemi’s Cat Taxi (Kissataksi, Tammi 2010) very recently. Readers of Võru can now enjoy reading Siri and Her New Friends (Siiri ja kolme Ottoa, Tammi 2002) and Riitta Jalonen and Kristiina Louhi’s Aidan and Sophie (Aatos ja Sofia, Tammi 2010), both of which were published by Võru Instituut in Estonia.
Furthermore, Tove Appelgren and Salla Savolainen’s Vesta-Linnea in the Moonlight (Vesta-Linnéa i månskenet, Schildts&Söderströms 2013) has been published in Denmark by Carlsen and a collection of four Vesta-Linnea titles in Romania by Univers. Also in Denmark, Lamberth has published two Saga Blom picture books by Anna Gullichsen and Cara Knuutinen (Schildts&Söderströms 2008-2009). For Danish YA fantasy fans, Maria Turtschaninoff’s Arra (Arra, Schildts&Söderströms 2010) was published by Turbine to great reviews.
In Egypt, Boustany’s released The Giant Girl and Her Tiny Friend (Jättityttö ja Pirhonen, Tammi 2011) by Hannele Huovi and Kristiina Louhi while Ilja Karsikas’s Anselmi’s Animals (Anselmin eläimet, Tammi 2011) and Anselmi’s Numbers (Anselmin numerot, Tammi 2011) were published in Lebanon by Dar Kreidieh to excellent sales.
Please ask the Agency for reading materials!