Maresi Red Mantle published in the UK by Pushkin Press today!

If you haven’t bought the rights to the trilogy yet, now is the time! Full English editions available! Request materials by clicking here.

Today is the UK publication day of the 3rd part of The Red Abbey Cronicles: Maresi Red Mantle by Maria Turtschaninoff.

This best-selling, award-winning trilogy has been sold to 22 territories – and counting. Also, the feature film is being developed by Film4.

To celebrate the publication, Maria has been a part of a blog tour. Read the two first blogs where she explains the background of Maresi:



About the book 3: Maresi Red Mantle: 

For Maresi, like so many other girls, the Red Abbey was a haven of safety in a world ruled by brutal men. But now she is a young woman and it is time for her to leave. She must take all that she has learned from her sisters and return to her childhood home to share the knowledge she has gained.

But when Maresi returns to her village, she realises all is not well – the people are struggling under the rule of the oppressive Earl, and people are too busy trying to survive to see the value of her teachings. Maresi finds she must use all the terrible force of the Crone’s magic to protect her people, but can she find the strength to do so when her heart is weakening with love for the first time

Book 1: Maresi is a tale of friendship set in the Red Abbey, a refuge for women and girls, that falls under attack.
Book 2: Naondel tells the story of the First Sisters: how they fled from a harem and founded the abbey.


Reading material:
English editions of books 1-3

Rights sold: The Red Abbey Chronicles
Original publisher: FINLAND, Schildts & Söderströms (Book 1)
Original publisher: FINLAND, Förlaget (Books 2-3)
BELGIUM, Clavis (Book 1-2)
BRAZIL, Morro Branco (Books 1-3)
CANADA (French), Editions de la Bagnole (Book 1)
CHINA (Simplified), Shanghai 99 (Books 1-3)
DENMARK, Turbine (Book 1)
ESTONIA, Varrak (Book 1-2)
FINLAND, Tammi (Books 1-2)
FRANCE, Rageot (Books 1-2)
GERMANY, Random House/Heyne (Book 1)
HUNGARY, Scolar (Books 1-3)
ITALY, Atmosphere Libri (Books 1-3)
LATVIA, Petergailis (Book 1)
NETHERLANDS, Clavis (Book 1-2)
NORWAY, Gursli Berg Forlag (Books 1-3)
POLAND, Wydawnictwo Debit (Books 1-3)
ROMANIA, Univers (Book 1)
WORLD SPANISH, Penguin Random House/Alfaguara (Book 1)
SWEDEN, Berghs (Books 1-2)
TURKEY, Altın Kitaplar (Book 1)
UNITED KINGDOM, Pushkin Press (Books 1-3)
UNITED STATES, Abrams (Books 1-3)

About author

Maria Turtschaninoff

Maria Turtschaninoff is known for crafting lyrical, historically inspired fantasy stories starring strong female protagonists. In addition to J.R.R. Tolkien, she counts Philip Pullman, Ursula K. Le Guin and C.S. Lewis among her favorite authors. She is a two-time winner of the Society of Swedish Literature Prize, winner of the Swedish YLE Literature Prize, winner of the Thank You for the Book Award, a nominee for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (2020-2024), and winner of the 2014 Finlandia Junior Prize. In 2024, Maria Turtschaninoff won the Eeva Joenpelto Literary Prize (10,000 euro award) for her literary masterpiece Inherited Land.

Her Red Abbey Chronicles YA trilogy has been sold into 30 languages, while her first adult novel Inherited Land has been sold to 23 territories. Maria has a Master of Arts in human ecology and works full-time as a writer.


2024, Middle Grade (8-12 Years)

The Manticore

Maria Turtschaninoff

2022, Literary Fiction

Inherited Land

Maria Turtschaninoff

2018, Young Adult (13 or 14+)

Maresi: Red Mantle

Maria Turtschaninoff

2016, Young Adult (13 or 14+)


Maria Turtschaninoff

2014, Young Adult (13 or 14+)


Maria Turtschaninoff