We are excited to let you know that Maria Turtschaninoff has been nominated for this year’s Magnesia Litera Award, the most important prize in the Czech literary scene, in the Best Translation category with her novel Tangled Roots (aka Inherited Land), translated by Marie Voslářová and published by Argo via Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.
Warm congratulations to the author, translator, and publisher – and fingers crossed!
Turtschaninoff is known for crafting lyrical, historically inspired fantasy stories that feature strong female protagonists. In addition to other awards and prizes, she has won the Svenska Yle Literary Prize 2023 and the Eeva Joenpelto Literary Prize 2024 for her literary masterpiece Tangled Roots.
Marie Voslářová has a long line of translations under her belt. Her translations have won both the Muriel Award and the Tomáš Hrách Prize.
Tangled Roots has been sold to 23 territories!
Rights are available in, e.g., Spain, Greece, Japan, Lithuania, Slovakia…
Download materials for TANGLED ROOTS here!
Tangled Roots (aka Inherited Land)
Maria Turtschaninoff
The roots of people and forest are intertwined in the depths of the earth.
An old soldier carves a croft out of the Finnish forest and calls it home, but try as he might to tame the land, its wild magic endures. For centuries his descendants will work the farm, through days of plenty and famine, love and war, their fates entangled with the rhythms of the ancient wilderness, where mysterious shapes flit between the trees and danger lurks in the treacherous fen…
Like dragonflies darting over the marsh, their lives glimmer briefly and then are gone: a young girl entranced by the forest folk, a faithless fiancé who meets his match beneath the age-old branches, a farmhand with a strange obsession…
What endures is the wild, and the certainty that wherever we put down roots, the land will grow roots in us too.
Förlaget, 2022, 371 pp.
English edition
Swedish manuscript
Finnish translation
FINLAND: Förlaget (orig. Finland-Swedish), Tammi (Finnish)
CHINA: Rentian Ulus
DENMARK: Alpha Forlag
ESTONIA: Rahva Raamat
FRANCE: Éditions Paulsen
GERMANY: Rowohlt
HUNGARY: L’Harmattan
ISRAEL: Hakibbutz Hameuchad – Sifriat Poalim Publishing House
ITALY: Bompiani
NETHERLANDS: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact
NORWAY: Bonnier Norsk Forlag
POLAND: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie
ROMANIA: Editura Univers
UKRAINE: Old Lion Publishing House
WORLD ENGLISH: Pushkin Press