
Anne Leinonen

Original title: Noitakirja

Author: Anne Leinonen

Published: 2018

Publisher: WSOY

Genre: Young Adult (13 or 14+)

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English synopsis
Finnish manuscript

In this sequel to Bookwitch, Aura uses her powers of magic to venture from Helby to Helsinki in pursuit of the wicked witch Selma, and on a quest for the book that can save Helby. But Aura’s search for the book that contains the spells is like a hunt for a needle in a haystack: unlike Helby, Helsinki is full of books. Aura’s abilities are put to the test as she strives to save Helby, but at a cost…

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About author

Anne Leinonen

Anne Leinonen (b.1973) is a multiple-award winning, key author, tutor and editor of Finnish science fiction and fantasy. Her most recent publication is the first volume of a YA urban fantasy duology, Bookwitch (Kirjanoita), which will be followed by Witchbook (Noitakirja) in 2018.

Leinonen’s short stories have been published in magazines and anthologies, earning her several Atorox awards (voted for by fans). Her science fiction novels, Viivamaalari and Ilottomien ihmisten kylä were published to positive reviews, as well as a trilogy, Routasisarukset, written in collaboration with Eija Lappalainen, In addition to writing YA and adult fiction, she has now started to work on audio and television dramas.

Anne Leinonen moves fluidly between science fiction and fantasy. Her texts deal with themes of otherness and unfamiliarity, as well as conflicts between the community and the individual. Nature plays an important part in her work, as a vehicle for the story, the stage of action and on a symbolic level. Leinonen’s prose is taut, with no superficial descriptions. Instead, she takes her readers right in to the middle of events and the lives of her characters. Her use of language shows talent and uniqueness, favouring experimentation with different styles and often works on several pieces at the same time. She is especially renowned for her collaborations with other writers.


2018, Young Adult (13 or 14+)

Anne Leinonen


2017, Young Adult (13 or 14+)

Anne Leinonen
