Full English Manuscripts now available: A WONDERFUL LIFE and THE WOMEN I THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT

Full English Manuscripts now available!

We now have full English manuscripts available for two excellent non-fiction titles: A Wonderful Life by Frank Martela and The Women I Think About at Night by Mia Kankimäki.

by Frank Martela

What is the meaning of life? Why doesn’t happiness work as a life goal?
Don’t worry, globetrotting researcher Frank Martela has got you covered on these questions.

“Harper Design is pleased to be publishing this very special book. Its offer of hope and how to achieve a life that is truly worth living is the right message for the right time.“
– Marta Schooler, Publisher, Harper Design

”What is the meaning of life? Of course, it is audacious for a young philosopher to shed light on such a big and complicated philosophical question. But Frank Martela is brave enough to do just that in his new book. I’m proud to be his Dutch publisher.”
– Laurens Ubbink, Publisher non-fiction, Ambo Anthos

Would you like to know what the meaning of your life is? In this secular era when old truths have lost their grip, more and more of us are yearning to know how our brief lives on earth could be made truly worth living. Yet a satisfactory answer has been hidden in philosophical papers and scattered psychological research. Frank Martela, a researcher from the happiest country in the world Finland offers an answer.

Request full English manuscript for A Wonderful Life!

by Mia Kankimäki

Mia Kankimäki’s narrative non-fiction about the female explorers and artists who have gotten lost in the history has been sold to 12 foreign territories.

“Kankimäki is a modern day Indiana Jones. Instead of a whip she strikes with her pen!”
– Luettua elämää blog 

”I think this is exactly what we need; an author like Mia Kankimäki who travels and explores and writes about brave and inspiring women in history. About women we can consult when we lack belief in ourselves and when we need guidance, when we don’t know whom to ask, when we find that our own parents, sisters or best friends cannot inspire us to raise our head and look further. Beautifully written and clever.”
– Gunhild Gursli-Berg, Owner/Publisher, Gursli Berg, Norway

Click here to request the full English manuscript.

A Wonderful Life

Rights sold:
Rahva Raamat
Across Publishing
Ambo Anthos

The Women I Think About at Night:

Rights sold:
Otava (orig.)
Winshare Publishing
Albatros Media/Motto
Bilgrav Publishing
btb Verlag/RandomHouse
Gelmes Publishing
Uitgeverij Orlando
Gursli Berg Forlag
Eksmo Publishing
Simon & Schuster
(North American rights)

About author

Frank Martela

Professor Frank Martela, PhD, is a philosopher and researcher of psychology specializing in the question of meaning in life. His articles have appeared in Scientific American Mind, Harvard Business Review, Salon, CNBC and his work has been featured on Quartz and on the BBC. His research has been published extensively in numerous academic journals such as Nature Human Behaviour, Perspectives on Psychological Science, Journal of Personality, Metaphilosophy, Southern Journal of Philosophy, and Academy of Management Review. He has spoken to more than one hundred audiences worldwide, including invited lectures in universities on five continents, including Stanford University and Harvard University. He’s been interviewed by the New York Times, Discover Magazine, New Scientist, Vice News, Fox News,and Monocle Observer among others. He is Assistant Professor at Aalto University in Finland. Outside of work, Frank is a father to three lovely children, an amateur-level soccer player, with an occasional skiing trip in the winters. He is made in Green Bay, so Packers holds a special place in his heart.

About author

Mia Kankimäki

Mia Kankimäki is the author of two best-selling books which blend travelogue, memoir, biography, and women’s history. After taking a master’s degree in comparative literature at the University of Helsinki and working diligently in Finnish publishing, in 2010 she left her job and traveled to Japan to write her first book. Her books have received several literary awards, for example the Best Travel Book of the Year 2013, the HelMet Award 2015, and Otava Book Foundation’s Non-Fiction Award 2020. She currently lives in Helsinki, Finland, whenever she’s not traveling for her next book project.

Mia has been enthusiastic about Japanese culture for years and is a qualified ikebana teacher of the Sogetsu school. Her first book Things That Make One’s Hear Beat Faster took her to Kyoto where she has spent long periods of writing and making research ever since. Kankimäki’s second book The Women I Think About at Night has sold over 55,000 copies in Finland and the translation rights have been sold to 21 territories, including USA and China.

Mia's both books have been aqcuired by Japanese publisher Soshisha:

"I am delighted to share that Mia Kankimäki’s debut title, THINGS THAT MAKE ONE’S HEART BEAT FASTER, is embraced and loved by many Japanese readers. A cross between an autobiography and a travelogue, the author finds an emotional connection with a woman geographically far apart and from a different era and tries to discover who she really was. I believe this style is reflected in THE WOMEN I THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT as well. Though some of the female figures in this second book might not be well-known locally, I am looking forward to seeing how our readers will react to their lifestyles." - Daisuke Watanabe, Editor, Soshisha