
Sara Medberg

Original title: Kamarineitsyt

Author: Sara Medberg

Published: 2020

Publisher: Otava

Genres: Commercial/Upmarket, Romance

Pages: 429

Part of a series: Silk Sisters

Reading material:

English sample & synopsis, series presentation

Glamor, the courtly life, beautiful dresses, and passion!

A new series about the Grand Duchy of Finland in the spirit of Jane Austen.

Strict class hierarchy and fabulous silk ruffles rule in 19th-century Turku, where seamstress Charlotta is looking for her own Mr. Darcy. When baron Ridderlöw of Starfire Manor hires seamstress Charlotta Silke as a lady’s maid for her sister, their lives change for good.

Charlotta gets her hands on Jane Austen’s newly published Pride and Prejudice, which alters the way she sees her role as a woman. But the book’s ideas of modern love, marriage and early feminism are put to the test as the bitter war-torn baron Ridderlöw becomes romantically interested in Charlotta. Can an ordinary lady’s maid have it all: a meaningful life and the man of her dreams?

"We're very excited to introduce Sara Medberg to the Swedish readers. Her eye for historical details are impressive, and we love the Nordic setting for her books."

- Jennifer Lindström, Senior Editor, Norstedts Förlag

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Rights sold:
FINLAND: Otava (orig.)
DENMARK: People's Press
NORWAY: Kagge Forlag
POLAND: Swiat Ksiazki
SWEDEN: Norstedts


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About author

Sara Medberg

Sara Medberg is a historian currently writing her doctoral dissertation about the education of highborn girls in the 18th century. The ideas for her novels come from her research. In her thesis she studies young womens' conduct manuals in Sweden in the 18th century from the perspective of the modernising ideals for women and the upbringing of girls.

Sara has received academic scholarships from the Swedish Cultural Foundation, Waldemar von Frenckell's Foundation and the Swedish Literature Society. Including others, her literary work is sponsored by the Finnish Author Association and Otava's Book Foundation.

Medberg enjoys costume dramas, fashion from the past, castles, mansions, shopping and running. Her novels have sold over 90,000 copies across all territories.


2023, Commercial/Upmarket, Romance

Sara Medberg


2021, Romance

Sara Medberg


2020, Commercial/Upmarket, Romance

Sara Medberg
