Announcing three new non-fiction deals!

Today’s deals are all betselling titles with themes spaning from historical women to secrets of meaningful life to the revelations about Russian troll army.

Read more about the titles and their availability in your country below.

We are glad to announce that EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN OF HISTORY and A WONDERFUL LIFE have been acquired by Corvina in Hungary and PUTIN’S TROLLS by Ciela Norma in Bulgaria.

See our full Spring 2021 Non-Fiction digital rights guide here.



Memories & Biographies, History & Politics


Extraordinary Women of History introduces over a hundred exceptional women from different periods of history and from all corners of the world. It is a veritable treasury of captivating stories and unsung ballads about the exciting women in history. Outrageous, amazing, terrible, heroic, thrilling and above all extraordinary; their life stories make the reader gasp and ask: “Why haven’t I heard of them before?”

Rights sold: FINLAND: Atena (orig), ESTONIA: Äripäev, HUNGARY: Corvina

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PUTIN’S TROLLS by Jessikka Aro

General Nonfiction, Narrative Nonfiction, History & Politics


True stories from the frontlines of the Russian information warfare

Russia is waging a war against civilians online. Every critical voice is an enemy. In the last few years there have been countless international, sometimes criminal online campaigns against private people throughout the Western countries – orchestrated and approved by the Kremlin.

Well-documented true stories show that Russia does not shy away from the darkest means of eliminating its opponents through cyber-espionage, social media trolls, fake news, cyber-attacks, death threats and hate campaigns by PR professionals.

Rights sold: FINLAND: Johnny Kniga (orig.), BULGARIA: Ciela Norma, CZECH REPUBLIC: N Media, ESTONIA: Menu Meedia, HUNGARY: Corvina Books Ltd, LITHUANIA: Briedis, POLAND: Wydawnictwo SQN, ROMANIA: Lebada Neagra, SWEDEN: Sensor Förlag

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A WONDERFUL LIFE by Frank Martela

Personal Growth & Lifestyle


Is happiness a worthy goal? What is the foundation for meaning in a secular society? Is life an existential void? Frank Martela answers these questions and more in a relaxed, conversational tone and with a wry sense of humor, placing some of life’s greatest philosophical concerns and quandaries into a modern-day context.

Rights sold: WORLD ENGLISH: Harper Design / HarperCollins, BULGARIA: Prozoretz, CROATIA: Planetopija, ESTONIA: Rahva Raamat AS, FINLAND: Gummerus, FRANCE: Editions Leduc, GERMANY: Blessing Verlag, GREECE: Klidarithmos, HUNGARY: Corvina, INDONESIA: Gramedia, ITALY: Edizioni Lindau, JAPAN: HarperCollins Japan, LATVIA: Zvaigzne ABC Publishers, LITHUANIA: Obuolys, NETHERLANDS: Ambo Anthos, NORWAY: Gursli Berg Forlag, POLAND: Czarna Owca, PORTUGAL: Editora 2020, ROMANIA: HUMANITAS S.A, RUSSIA: Eksmo, SERBIA: Odiseja Publishing, SOUTH KOREA: Across Publishing, TAIWAN: Crown, TURKEY: Orman, UNITED STATES: Harper Collins USA, WORLD ARABIC: Sefsafa

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About author

Frank Martela

Professor Frank Martela, PhD, is a philosopher and researcher of psychology specializing in the question of meaning in life. His articles have appeared in Scientific American Mind, Harvard Business Review, Salon, CNBC and his work has been featured on Quartz and on the BBC. His research has been published extensively in numerous academic journals such as Nature Human Behaviour, Perspectives on Psychological Science, Journal of Personality, Metaphilosophy, Southern Journal of Philosophy, and Academy of Management Review. He has spoken to more than one hundred audiences worldwide, including invited lectures in universities on five continents, including Stanford University and Harvard University. He’s been interviewed by the New York Times, Discover Magazine, New Scientist, Vice News, Fox News,and Monocle Observer among others. He is Assistant Professor at Aalto University in Finland. Outside of work, Frank is a father to three lovely children, an amateur-level soccer player, with an occasional skiing trip in the winters. He is made in Green Bay, so Packers holds a special place in his heart.

About author

Jessikka Aro

Jessikka Aro is an award-winning reporter with Yle, the Finnish Broadcasting Company, specializing in Russia, extremism and information warfare. In 2014 and 2015, she published a series of articles on pro-Kremlin social media trolls and their influence outside of Russia’s borders. Due to her investigations, Jessikka became the target of a severe and still ongoing international propaganda and hate speech campaign, which she recounts in Putin’s Trolls.

In 2019, the US State Department awarded Jessikka the International Women of Courage Award, but the award was mysteriously rescinded by the Trump administration, allegedly due to her social media criticism of then President Trump. On December 1, 2020, Jessikka Aro received the International Women’s Media Foundation Courage in Journalism Award, presented in partnership with the Washington Post and hosted by CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. Jessikka was recognized for her award-winning investigative reporting of Russian information warfare. Jessikka lives in Helsinki, Finland.

About author

Maria Pettersson

As a child, Maria Pettersson’s dream job was to be an international adventurer. Instead, she became an award-winning journalist, the editor-in-chief of several magazines and a serious history geek. She has worked for the biggest newspapers, radio stations and TV channels in Finland. She has travelled in over 70 countries, got married in Vegas and spent her honeymoon in North Korea. Her hobbies include games and roleplaying, observing big machines, studying small Slavic languages and visiting dead dictators. She currently lives in Helsinki, Finland.