EALA Hidden Gems and Bestsellers!

We’re excited to highlight some of our hidden gems, sold to multiple territories, and bestsellers!

Take a look at these lovely titles below – maybe one of them is the right one for you?

EVERYDAY SISU by Katja Pantzar

Katja Pantzar’s EVERYDAY SISU is a practical guide for wellbeing and happiness, based on Finnish lessons – and considering Finland is the happiest country in the world for the 5th year in a row, there’s something for everyone to learn here!

Rights available in Estonia, Germany, Denmark, Hungary, Italy etc! 

“Confined at home during the COVID-19 crisis, I now realize how I have grown accustomed to be a part of the crowd and to work long hours. To stay home alone and make this additional time fruitful, intelligence and strength are needed.
Finland, where the idea of personal space is deeply instilled in society, is a leading country when it comes to ‘not following the crowd’. Now is the time to learn from Sisu, the notion both timely and timeless. A highly recommended title!” 

— Hiroshi Shimizu, Editor, Hojosha, Japan

Reading materials: English PDF – download here

FUTURE SKILLS by Perttu Pölönen

Compassion, curiosity, creativity. According to Perttu Pölönen, these talents, among others, are uniquely human – and that’s what makes them necessary for us to succeed in the era of robots and AI.

Recently sold to Bertrand in  Portugal, this important work has sold a total of 7 territories – but rights are still available in eg. Estonia, Germany, Poland, Italy, and Lithuania, among others!

«The fast pace of technological evolution and artificial intelligence brings fears and uncertainty about the place of human beings in the future. How can humans be well succeeded in the age of machines, robots and AI? Perttu Pölönen shows us with great clarity and optimism that, more than ever, humans need to rely on exclusively human skills like creativity, problem solving, compassion, storytelling, perseverance, team work for success and ultimately for a better society. Future Skills is an inspiring and stimulating book that offers a new confidence on the future and suggests the lines for building a much needed long-lasting curriculum.»
– Jorge Garcia, nonfiction editor at Bertrand

Reading materials: English PDF – download here

A WONDERFUL LIFE by Frank Martela 

Sold to 29 territories, this encouraging and uplifting title is a guide to help you navigate life and find meaning in it. With practical advice and humour, Frank Martela guides the reader to get the most out of life. A book one can return to time and again to help one navigate life.

“A brilliant and charming book that tackles the grandest questions of life in plain terms, with humor and insight…full of anecdotes, history, thoughtfulness, perspective, and entertaining discourse. If you have any curiosity about the meaning of life—and who doesn’t?—this book is a refreshing and important resource.”
— Roy F. Baumeister, Author of New York Times bestseller WillpowerThe Power of Bad, and Meanings of Life

Rights available: Denmark, Sweden, Czechia, Iceland, Brazil etc. 

Reading materials: English PDF – download here!


PUTIN’S TROLLS by Jessikka Aro

Climbing among the top 15 in paperbacks on the official bestseller list, Jessikka Aro’s PUTIN’S TROLLS is one of the most powerful and timely books right now.

Describing how Russia wages war against every critical voice and with first-hand accounts of those who have been on the receiving end of the attacks, this title is not an easy read – but an incredibly important one.

We are thrilled to be publishing Finnish investigative journalist Jessikka Aro’s deep dive into the mechanisms of the (des-)information war the Kremlin is waging against anyone valuing free speech, freedom and democracy. Her weaving together of personal experiences with the greater dimensions of Russia’s modern online warfare makes for a read both eye-opening, intriguing – and absolutely essential in these times of war and suffering!
– Doreen Fröhlich, Editorial Director Nonfiction, Goldmann Verlag, Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe GmbH

Rights available: Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, Spain etc.

Reading materials: English PDF – download here

Rights sold:

WORLD ENGLISH: TarcherPerigee/Penguin Random House (orig.)

INDONESIA: Gramedia Pustakama
JAPAN: Hojosha
THAILAND: Flying Bear Co.


Rights sold:

FINLAND: Otava (orig.)

ARMENIA: Guitank
HUNGARY: Anna Inkeri Pap
PORTUGAL: Bertrand
SOUTH KOREA: BP Publishers
TURKEY: Büyükada
UNITED STATES: Recorded Publishing (audio)
UNITED STATES: Start Publishing (print & e-book)


Rights sold:

WORLD ENGLISH: Harper Design / HarperCollins

ALBANIA: Botime Koliqi
BULGARIA: Prozoretz
CROATIA: Planetopija
ESTONIA: Rahva Raamat AS
FINLAND: Gummerus
FRANCE: Editions Leduc
GERMANY: Blessing Verlag
GREECE: Klidarithmos
HUNGARY: Corvina
ITALY: Edizioni Lindau
JAPAN: HarperCollins Japan
LATVIA: Zvaigzne ABC Publishers
NORWAY: Gursli Berg Forlag
POLAND: Czarna Owca
PORTUGAL: Editora 2020
SERBIA: Odiseja Publishing
SOUTH KOREA: Across Publishing
SPANISH: Ediciones Uranos
THAILAND: Biblio Co.


Rights sold:

FINLAND: Johnny Kniga (orig.)
BULGARIA: Ciela Norma
ESTONIA: Menu Meedia/Stratkom
GERMANY: Goldmann
HUNGARY: Corvina
LATVIA: Pētergailis
NORWAY: Mangschou Forlag
POLAND: Sine Qua Non
ROMANIA: Lebada Neagra
SWEDEN: Sensor Förlag
WORLD ENGLISH: Ig Publishing
WORLD ENGLISH (audio): Blackstone Audio

About author

Frank Martela

Professor Frank Martela, PhD, is a philosopher and researcher of psychology specializing in the question of meaning in life. His articles have appeared in Scientific American Mind, Harvard Business Review, Salon, CNBC and his work has been featured on Quartz and on the BBC. His research has been published extensively in numerous academic journals such as Nature Human Behaviour, Perspectives on Psychological Science, Journal of Personality, Metaphilosophy, Southern Journal of Philosophy, and Academy of Management Review. He has spoken to more than one hundred audiences worldwide, including invited lectures in universities on five continents, including Stanford University and Harvard University. He’s been interviewed by the New York Times, Discover Magazine, New Scientist, Vice News, Fox News,and Monocle Observer among others. He is Assistant Professor at Aalto University in Finland. Outside of work, Frank is a father to three lovely children, an amateur-level soccer player, with an occasional skiing trip in the winters. He is made in Green Bay, so Packers holds a special place in his heart.

About author

Jessikka Aro

Jessikka Aro is an award-winning reporter with Yle, the Finnish Broadcasting Company, specializing in Russia, extremism and information warfare. In 2014 and 2015, she published a series of articles on pro-Kremlin social media trolls and their influence outside of Russia’s borders. Due to her investigations, Jessikka became the target of a severe and still ongoing international propaganda and hate speech campaign, which she recounts in Putin’s Trolls.

In 2019, the US State Department awarded Jessikka the International Women of Courage Award, but the award was mysteriously rescinded by the Trump administration, allegedly due to her social media criticism of then President Trump. On December 1, 2020, Jessikka Aro received the International Women’s Media Foundation Courage in Journalism Award, presented in partnership with the Washington Post and hosted by CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. Jessikka was recognized for her award-winning investigative reporting of Russian information warfare. Jessikka lives in Helsinki, Finland.

About author

Katja Pantzar

Katja Pantzar –  Katja Pantzar is a Helsinki-based writer and journalist who swims in the Baltic Sea year round. Raised in Canada, with stints in New Zealand and England, she is the author of The Finnish Way (Penguin Random House/2018), a bestselling non-fiction book about Nordic well-being, winter swimming and sisu (resilience) that has been translated into 24 languages. Her second book on sisu, Everyday Sisu: Tapping into Finnish Fortitude for a Happier, More Resilient Life (Penguin Random House/2022) explores through expert interviews and research-based information how we can better support our mental and physical health while taking care of each other and our planet. Everyday Sisu has also been published in Japanese, Thai, and Indonesian. Pantzar’s work has been widely covered around the world in media ranging from Le Figaro, Le Monde, and El Paísto Vogue the Washington Post and the New York Review of Books. . She is also the author of three mini-guides to the Finnish capital, including 100 things to do in Helsinki (Siltala/2024).

About author

Perttu Pölönen

Perttu Pölönen is a futurist, inventor and an inspirational speaker. In the Finnish media, Perttu has been called a gentle highbrow and fearless inventor. Future Skills has been an instant bestseller in Finland – where Perttu has become one of the most sought-after speakers inspiring thousands of people in his lectures.