Martta Kaukonen on the SPIEGEL BESTSELLER list!

We are thrilled to announce that just one week after its publication in Germany, FOLLOW THE BUTTERFLY aka THERAPIERT (Heyne Verlag) by Martta Kaukonen has entered the German bestsellers lists! Currently, it is on place 15 of the SPIEGEL BESTSELLER LIST for paperpacks – and German publisher Heyne have already ordered a second edition! What a start for the book on the German market!

Readers have been buzzing about the book as well:

Martta Kaukonen constructs a masterfully narrated psychological thriller, that doesn’t cease to amaze us as it gradually reveals more and more of its characters’ secrets. FOLLOW THE BUTTERFLY is a somewhat different, very psychologically constructed thriller, that convinces with soft tones and big feelings. Exciting until the very last page.” – Silke Schröder on

Nothing is as it seems. The topic of therapy takes center stage and offers readers an exciting insight into the depths of the human psyche – a truly successful thriller!” – myautumnofbooks

The ending then even outdid all the previous twists. After finishing the book, I was left with a feeling of “Wow!”.” – JS Booklover

Congratulations to Martta Kaukonen and Heyne for this impressive achievement! 

FOLLOW THE BUTTERFLY has been a critical success and bestseller in Finland, and was nominated for the Savonia Prize. The rights were sold to to 14 territories and the book will be published in the UK and US next year by Pushkin Press. A sequel is coming out in November 2023.

We now have a full English manuscript for you to review. Rights are still available for France, Italy, World Spanish, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway and many more!

Download the full English text here! 

Terapiassa / Follow the Butterfly

Rights sold:

CZECH REPUBLIC: Kniha Zlin/Albatros
GERMANY: Heyne (2-book deal)
GREECE: Psichogios (2-book deal)
HUNGARY: Partvonal (2-book-deal)
LATVIA: Jumava
POLAND: Czarna Owca (2-book deal)
UNITED KINGDOM: Pushkin Press (2-book deal)
UNITED STATES: Pushkin Press (2-book deal)
WORLD ENGLISH (Audio): Audible

About author

Martta Kaukonen

Martta Kaukonen (1976) lives in Helsinki. Before becoming a full-time author, she worked as a film critic, whose reviews have been published in both Finland’s biggest newspaper Helsingin Sanomat and a popular women’s weekly magazine Me Naiset. Martta has a master’s degree in arts. She has interviewed the likes of Robert Downey Jr. and Justin Bieber. Martta met her husband at his second hand bookshop and fell in love. Alongside writing, Martta loves psychological thrillers, film noir, flea markets, abandoned houses and travelling. Martta’s debut novel FOLLOW THE BUTTERFLY was published in March 2021. FOLLOW THE BUTTERFLY is an Instagram sensation in Finland, and the Helsingin Sanomat newspaper released a highly-praising review of it. During the first two months, the audiobook was listened to an awe-inspiring 2000 times and over. FOLLOW THE BUTTERFLY  has been compared to Gillian Flynn’s novel ‘Gone Girl’. 


2025, Crime & Suspense


Martta Kaukonen

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Follow the Butterfly

Martta Kaukonen