Stop Secret Mysteries: Stinker the Horrific Sock Monster

Ilona Ahti

Original title: Stop Secret. Hikisukka Hirmunen

Author: Ilona Ahti

Illustrator: Miila Westin

Published: 2023

Publisher: FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)

Genre: Middle Grade (8-12 Years)

Part of a series: Stop Secret Mysteries

Reading material:

English sample

Finnish manuscript

A funny middle-grade mystery series for fans of Roald Dahl

The sock-trap has been set! A sock-monster, Stinker,  is on the loose!

In the opening of this charmingly funny middle-grade series, top-secret cases are being solved. Why are there only odd socks  in the cabinet, and where have the hairclips and remote controls vanished?

The peculiar events begin when a strange creature snatches the last pair of socks from ten-year-old Hilla. She catches a glimpse of a fluffy, golden tail and finds a color-changing hair as evidence. A top-secret mystery must be solved, in which Hilla is helped by her neighbors Maisa and Roni-Toni. Hilla's grandmother Mitsi clearly knows more than she's telling, and in the end there's an explanation for everything that no one would have expected...

apturing something essential about the everyday life of children. This is what makes it such a fascinating book: simply incomprehensible things are mixed in with the ordinary and everyday. And when everything is tied together by the mystery in the story, that’s when you have all the ingredients for a gripping title.

Runeberg Prize Jury

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Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)

About author

Ilona Ahti

Ilona Ahti is an award-winning tv- and film scriptwriter, who has lived on nearly all continents and currently adventures Tanzania together with her family. She’s known especially for being the other writer for the film Girl Picture, which was successful at the Sundance festival and was the Finnish submission for the 95th Academy Awards.


2024, Middle Grade (8-12 Years)

Ilona Ahti

Stop Secret Mysteries #2: The Mud Puddle Ghost

2023, Middle Grade (8-12 Years)

Ilona Ahti

Stop Secret Mysteries: Stinker the Horrific Sock Monster