Original title: Sista ordet
Authors: Michaela von Kügelgen, Anne Hietanen
Published: 2026
Publisher: Schildts & Söderströms
Genre: Crime & Suspense
Pages: 300
Part of a series: Helsinki Noir Series
Reading material:
Swedish original manuscript (82,000 words), English sample & synopsis, Synopses of Book 2 & Book 3
The Last Word is a novel about family, honour and keeping up appearances – at any cost.
During the Helsinki Book Fair, author David Berglund is found dead in the harbour – the same day he was set to receive a literary prize. His wife Aurora is almost due to have their first child, and the family idyll he always dreamed of would finally become a reality. Philip Koski, a national hockey hero whose career was cut short by an injury, just joined the Helsinki Police Department and is assigned to the case. Philip struggles to cope with his new job, along with the fact people see him as nothing more than a has-been.
At the same time, cultural journalist Tilde Björkqvist digs into David's story. She was the last person to interview him, encountering a man whose words of joy and gratitude did not match the desperation in his eyes. At work, Tilde struggles against antiquated hierarchies – why are they trying to stop her investigation of the young writer? Meanwhile, Åsa Stråhle, head of the Bohre Foundation, is beside herself with grief. After years of trying to conceive, she is still childless. David and his twin brother Adam are the closest thing to a family she has, but she lost contact with Adam after he immersed himself in society's dark underbelly. Åsa tries to keep up her façade while everything around her is falling apart.
THE LAST WORD is a crime novel that grabs the reader from the very first page and never lets go. You can really feel that the authors had fun writing it! And Tilde and Philip are perfect as the main characters, a match made in heaven, just like the book’s authors.
– Martin Welander, publisher, Schildts & Söderströms, Finland
"We are so happy to add Anne Hietanen and Michaela von Kügelgen’s captivating, well written and intelligent crime novels to our list. The Last Word will definitely appeal to the many readers and fans of Nordic crime novels in Denmark. The writing is sharp with believable characters in an atmospheric setting. We look forward to publishing the series and welcoming Anne Hietanen and Michaela von Kügelgen to the Gyldendal family.”
Mette Bentholm, Wapi and Cicero/Gyldendal
Rights sold:
DENMARK: Cicero/Gyldendal (print), Word Audio Publishing Denmark (e-book & audio)
SWEDEN: Schildts & Söderströms (orig.), FINLAND: Schildts & Söderströms (orig. Finnish-Swedish)