Original title: Tulevaisuuden identiteetit
Author: Perttu Pölönen
Published: 2021
Publisher: Otava
Genre: Personal Growth & Lifestyle
Pages: 208
Reading material:
English synopsis
Are you an expander, inspirer, crystallizer, or an enlightener? Find out how to forge your own, unique identity!
The years and decades to come will force each of us to rethink our place in this world. Traditionally, identity has been based on a profession, for example, but in the future it is worth building on skills.
Future Identities is an immersive book on identifying one’s own strengths and verbalizing them. If you were an extender, linker or cross-pollinator, what could you do in the future? In his latest book, Pölönen delves into the notion of identity and ponders their formation from different perspectives, then provides the reader with the necessary knowledge and tools to find their strengths and, by extension, their potential identities. Pölönen’s goal is not to arrange people into specific molds, but to break the molds.
Perttu Pölönen challenges our current straightforward world of titles in a way that is simultaneously deep, inventive, and fun. This is a refreshingly colourful read in this black and white world.
Saku Tuominen, author, innovator, creative director, executive producer, keynote speaker