Original title: Harmin paikka
Author: Leena Lehtolainen
Published: 1994
Publisher: Tammi
Genre: Crime & Suspense
Pages: 244
Part of a series: Maria Kallio series
Reading material:
Finnish edition
English edition
Maria Kallio has left the Helsinki crime squad to work for a law office in Espoo, headquarters of the cell phone giant Nokia. Police work isn’t her job now, but when a new acquaintance, Armi Mäenpää, is found strangled in her home and the case is labeled a sex crime, Maria can’t keep her hands off. The unofficial inquiries of our willful redhead push her old enemy, Inspector Pertti Ström, to the verge of apoplexy. Maria will stop at nothing to push behind the curtains of Espoo high society—and almost loses everything in the process.
Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)
AUDIO: Word Audio
EGYPT: Al Arabi
ESTONIA: Pegasus
GREECE: Livanis
ISRAEL: Penn Publishing Ltd.
LATVIA: Zvaigzne ABC Publishers
TV RIGHTS: Jarowskij Finland
UNITED STATES: Amazon Publishing