Original title: Pikku hiiri, tuuliviiri
Author: Riikka Jäntti
Published: 2015
Publisher: Tammi
Genre: Picture Books (0-3 Years)
Pages: 48
Part of a series: Little Mouse series
Reading material:
English edition
Little Mouse series – Book 1
Little Mouse is a toddler, and doesn’t always behave exactly as Mummy Mouse would wish.
Although he wakes up happily on a spring morning, he doesn’t like getting dressed at all! Mummy Mouse takes him to daycare, where his other animal friends eagerly await their friend’s arrival. When his mother arrives to pick him up, he is in no mood to go home. And while he is glad to finish his sausages at dinner, broccoli is another story.
This sweet and delightfully relatable story is complemented by detailed, classic illustrations.
"English readers will see something of Beatrix Potter’s poetry and precision in the Helsinki-based illustrator and author’s retro ink and watercolour illustrations. Pitched at children aged up to four, Little Mouse will also delight parents, taking them back to when every day was an adventure." –William Yeoman, The Weekend West
”But the real charm of this book lies in the delightful expressiveness of Jäntti’s illustrations, with each cheeky grin or sulky pout bringing Little Mouse to life for young and old.” – Buzzwords magazine
"My little lady loves seeing her daily life and toddler trials and tribulations mirrored on the pages of this delightful read."
– Oh Creative Day
"This book is a physically beautiful oddity, made more interesting by its unsanctimonious narrative arc and Jantti’s acknowledgement that parents will be inconsistent and and must often choose their battles…[D]rawings are Scandi sublime. My three-year-old adores Little Mouse’s defiance. If only it came with a free tail to yank."
–Alex O’Connell, Times (Children’s Book of the Week)
"This is a universal story for mamas and their children; you’ll both be nodding in sympathy and laughing at such familiarity!"
– Jackie Small, My Little Bookcase
#The illustrations inside are fantastic and provide a lot of talking points (I especially love the illustration of his bedroom…so many things to look at and talk about!) I think this is the perfect little story to read at bedtime and will make both parent and child giggle. Lovely!" – Blabbering About Books
“Riikka Jäntti’s book is full of humor and warmth; she has a great understanding of the way in which a small child wants to make his own decisions, even if the child’s agenda conflicts with grown-up rules. Every child aged two and up can identify with Little Mouse.” – Flemming Møldrup, Publisher, ABC Forlag
“Anyone who has ever looked after a toddler will recognize themselves and the child in these special books. Riikka Jäntti effortlessly captures the beguiling combination of repetition and wonder that parenting a young child involves, and Scribble is delighted to introduce these beautiful books to new audiences in Australia and the UK.” – Miriam Rosenbloom, Art Director, Commissioning Editor, Scribble
“Riikka Jäntti has created an easily relatable work that will surely captivate both children and their parents. The illustrations are charming, detailed in their simplicity and, most importantly, cozy and inviting…this will be a favorite for many children.” – Kirjakaapin avain blog, Finland
“In its simplicity and familiarity this breezy children’s book inspired many nods and murmurs of recognition – at least in us grown-up readers. The book includes plenty of moments familiar to parents of toddlers; moments in which a child doesn’t want to do something or wants to do things on his or her own.” – Luetaanko tämä? blog, Finland
”But the real charm of this book lies in the delightful expressiveness of Jäntti’s illustrations, with each cheeky grin or sulky pout bringing Little Mouse to life for young and old.”
– Buzzwords magazine
Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)
CATALAN: HarperCollins Iberica
CHINA: Beijing Yuntu Hongya Technology Co., Ltd
ESTONIA: Rahva Raamat AS
FRANCE: Cambourakis
GERMANY: Cross Cult
ITALY: Sinnos
NEPAL: Kathalaya Inc.
PORTUGAL: HarperCollins Iberica
ROMANIA: Editura Paralela 45
RUSSIA: Strecoza
SLOVAKIA: Fortuna Libri
SPAIN: HarperCollins Iberica
SWEDEN: Epix Bokförlag