Original title: Mörköviesti
Author: Tuutikki Tolonen
Illustrator: Pasi Pitkänen
Published: 2020
Publisher: Tammi
Genre: Middle Grade (8-12 Years)
Pages: 300
Part of a series: Monster Nanny trilogy
Reading material:
English sample & synopsis
German edition
Mary Poppins meets Where the Wild Things Are in this prize-winning series.
An international bestseller with a Hollywood Film in development
Hellman kids face new troubles. Mom and Dad want to move into a bigger home on the other side of the city. Mimi’s talking bathrobe feels strangely shrunk, and drops hints of leaving. Monstrologist Runar Kalli is starting to act his age without his rejuvenating root potion – and he’s 122. Something must be done. When Mimi finds crumpled leaves with strange markings in her room, they look like messages from underground, but who’s delivering them and why? And why does the Gatekeeper of the underground world appear in their bathroom?
This time the adventures take place in home neighbourhood and school. In fact, these school-based monster scenes were, I think, the most fun of the whole book. /.../ Monster Nanny was a wonderful read. A good-natured, imaginative, a little exciting and in some places quite profound story, I think, is also perfect for an adult reader.
Oksan hyllyltä blog, Finland
Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)
ALBANIA: Westprint
BULGARIA: Robertino
CHINA: Beijing Publishing Group Co., Ltd.
CZECH REPUBLIC: Portál, s. r. o.
GERMANY: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & CO. KG.
ROMANIA: Editura Univers SRL
RUSSIA: Rosman
Seosawon Co., Ltd.
UKRAINE: School Publishing House