Original title: Ensimmäinen murhani
Author: Leena Lehtolainen
Published: 1993
Publisher: Tammi
Genre: Crime & Suspense
Pages: 251
Part of a series: Maria Kallio series
Reading material:
Finnish edition
English edition
A student choir’s animated practice sessions at a Helsinki villa are cut short when first bass Jukka Peltonen is found dead at the water’s edge. The case becomes a chance for police sergeant Maria Kallio to show what she can do, her career in the crime squad being burdened by the fact that she is both young and a woman—and a redhead to boot! Behind the choir’s jovial facade lie bitter passions, and ferreting them out is hardly helped by the discovery that some of Maria’s old friends belong to the group.
Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)
FINLAND (Karelian rights): Karjalan sivistysseura
AUDIO: Word Audio
BRAZIL: Editora Nemo Ltda.
EGYPT: Al Arabi
ESTONIA: Pegasus
GREECE: Livanis
LATVIA: Zvaigzne ABC Publishers
TV RIGHTS: Jarowskij Finland
UNITED STATES: Amazon Publishing