Original title: Viattomuuden loppu
Author: Leena Lehtolainen
Published: 2017
Publisher: Tammi
Genre: Crime & Suspense
Pages: 464
Part of a series: Maria Kallio series
Reading material:
English sample & synopsis
German edition
Finnish edition
Book 14 in the bestselling Maria Kallio series. A female detective police procedural, The End of Innocence is also a study of young men’s fragile sexuality. Perfect for fans of Lynda La Plante’s DCI Jane Tennison series.
When a newly-released child molester is found dead in an abandoned playground, the case lands on Maria Kallio’s desk. As newly-appointed chief of the child & youth crime unit, Kallio finds herself with a highly sensitive homicide case on her hands, with suspects including the deceased’s victims and their relatives. A harrowing case for Maria, the mother of a teenage son herself, the novel examines whether we can survive abuse, and privacy in the age of the internet.
Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)
GERMANY: Rowohlt
TV RIGHTS: Jarowskij Finland