Original title: Rivo satakieli
Author: Leena Lehtolainen
Published: 2005
Publisher: Tammi
Genre: Crime & Suspense
Pages: 346
Part of a series: Maria Kallio series
Reading material:
English edition
A badly cut-up, scantily-clad woman is brought to Jorvi Hospital in Espoo. Maria Kallio’s suspicions of a connection to the world of sex for money are confirmed the next day when a well-known prostitute is murdered during a live television broadcast.
Celebrity prostitute Lulu Nightingale offered sex services in her Indecent Nightingale Studio, the clients of which included some of the top names in Finnish society. Influential television host Ilari Länsimies and National Bureau of Investigation Inspector (NBI) Lasse Nordström have both met with the murdered prostitute recently under mysterious circumstances.
Maria Kallio and her subordinates’ investigation is hampered by a turf war with an NBI underworld operation. On top of it all, more homicides keep rolling in. Maria Kallio’s life also isn’t made any easier by the fact that her husband, Antti, is getting along so well at his new job in Vaasa, 400 km to the north.
Leena Lehtolainen’s Indecent Nightingale is an irresistibly gripping thriller about current, politically-sensitive issues. It is also a dramatic and daring story about the night side of humanity and the world of sex for hire, where even Maria Kallio gets into the fix of her life.
Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)
AUDIO: Word Audio
TV RIGHTS: Jarowskij Finland
UNITED STATES: Amazon Publishing