Original title: Jälkikaiku
Author: Leena Lehtolainen
Published: 2020
Publisher: Tammi
Genre: Crime & Suspense
Pages: 395
Part of a series: Maria Kallio series
Reading material:
English sample & synopsis
Maria Kallio Series has sold over 2,5 million copies worldwide and been translated into 30 languages. The 15th book will surely catch one’s ear!
Maria Kallio is getting ready for her daughter’s graduation when her cat brings her a human ear. She takes it to the forensic lab and doesn’t think any more of it.
Maria and her team are assigned to investigate a rape of a young woman when things start to heat up. The accused rapist is a young man with an immigrant background, which causes a lot of racism and heated discussions in the papers and media. Angry fathers are organizing a street patrol to keep their daughters safe, and when Rahim is released from the police station, his safety is not guaranteed. Maria and her team are working to solve a new case, but online trolls are targeting them and doing everything to distract them. But when Maria is almost killed by an earless driver, it makes her wonder if all the harassment is related to the case, or could it be something more personal?
In the Ripple Effect, everything really works. The curtains of secrets sway appropriately, sometimes covering, sometimes revealing. The daily life of the police and the civilian life mixed with it alternate in an appropriate proportion.
- Amman lukuhetki blog, Finland
Rights sold:
FINLAND: Tammi (orig.)
GERMANY: Rowohlt
TV RIGHTS: Jarowskij Finland