Original title: Huhuu – kuka siellä?
Author: Hannele Huovi
Published: 2010
Publisher: Tammi
Genre: Picture Books (0-3 Years)
Pages: 32
A merry fable about a little Too-wit Egg’s adventures in Too-wit Woods and on the Too-wit Mountain with heart-warming illustrations by Kristiina Louhi.
When the morning sun peeped into the Too-wits’ nest, Mother Too-wit felt she might be ready to lay an egg. She settled in the downy nest, watched the clouds drifting in the sky and rolled out an egg. The egg had jaunty spots, it was smooth as silk and altogether perfect. Mother Too-wit tapped the egg lightly and warbled, as she was wont to warble to her eggs, ‘Too-wit, too-woo, too-who?’
The next thing she knew, the egg started quivering and shivering, shifting and swaying, bouncing and bounding – and finally it sprang out of the nest. ‘Help!’ Mother Too-wit cried. ‘It’s on the run!’