Ilona Ahti
Stop Secret Mysteries #2: The Mud Puddle Ghost
2024, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Stop Secret Mysteries
Hannele Lampela
Benjamin Bateman and the Worst Day of School
2024, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Benjamin Bateman series
Janne Malinen
The Secrets of Grimhill: The Guardians of the Shadows
2024, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: The Secrets of the Sanatorium
Arttu Unkari
Dad Man and the Doppelgänger Disaster
2024, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Dad Man series
Ilona Ahti
Stop Secret Mysteries: Stinker the Horrific Sock Monster
2023, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Stop Secret Mysteries
Hannele Lampela
Benjamin Bateman and The Curse of the Mind-popping Pranks
2023, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Benjamin Bateman series
Janne Malinen
The Secrets of Grimhill: The Blood Red Crystal
2023, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: The Secrets of the Sanatorium
Arttu Unkari
Dad Man and the Impossible Time Warp
2023, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Dad Man series
Hannele Lampela
Benjamin Bateman - Super Embarrassed Superhero
2022, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Benjamin Bateman series
Janne Malinen
The Secrets of Grimhill : Seven Lily-of-the-Valleys
2022, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: The Secrets of the Sanatorium
Tuutikki Tolonen
Agnes and the Shadow in the Window
2022, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Agnes series
Kaisa Paasto
Anni the Friend Tamer in Salty Waters
2022, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Anni the Friend Tamer series
Noora Kunnas
Mabel Merryweather and the Crowbar Gala
2022, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Mabel Merryweather
Arttu Unkari
Dad Man and the Horrible Hypnosis
2022, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Dad Man series
Kaisa Paasto
Anni the Friend Tamer on the Red Carpet
2021, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Anni the Friend Tamer series
Hannele Lampela
Tales of Wintertide 2: The Rose and the Dragon
2021, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Tales of Wintertide
Elina Hirvonen
Charlie and the Wombat Warriors
2021, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Julia & P.A.L.
Noora Kunnas
Mabel Merryweather and the Cheesy Mystery
2021, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Mabel Merryweather
Tuutikki Tolonen
Agnes and the Mysterious Manor
2021, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Agnes series
Arttu Unkari
Dad Man and the Evil Little Brother
2021, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Dad Man series
Hannele Lampela
Tales of Wintertide: The Snow Queen's Spell
2020, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Tales of Wintertide
Noora Kunnas
Mabel Merryweather and the King of Thieves
2020, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Mabel Merryweather
Tuutikki Tolonen
Agnes and the Garden of Dreams
2020, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Agnes series
Noora Kunnas
Mabel Merryweather and the Miniature Pirates
2019, Middle Grade (8-12 Years) Series: Mabel Merryweather