Latvian sale for THE ENCHANTMENT by Riikka Pulkkinen!

Great news! The Latvian rights for the Botnia award-nominated THE ENCHANTMENT by Riikka Pulkkinen have been acquired by Jana Rozes Apgads, one of the oldest publishers in Latvia. They are also the publishers of e.g. Paulo Coelho, Alex Schulman, and Fredrick Backman. The deal was closed by Sten-Erik Tammemäe at Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.

THE ENCHANTMENT has previously sold to Scribe UK for the English rights – the right are still available in e.g. Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Estonia, The Netherlands…

Download the materials for THE ENCHANTMENT here!


The Enchantment

Riikka Pulkkinen

This shiningly beautiful novel is an autopsy of girlhood and power

Philippa Laakso, aged seventeen, is found dead in her yard at home. Nothing suggests a crime, and everyone who knew her is certain she wasn’t suicidal. On the other hand, all who knew her seem to hold a differing view of her. The investigation sees them being interviewed, but behind every view and story is Philippa’s influence. She still has the people around her in a sharp grip: her friend, ex-boyfriend, teacher, neighbors.

Riikka Pulkkinen’s anticipated novel examines the power and comfort of make-believe and the thin line between love and play. Every character in the novel sees Philippa in his or her own way, as a mirror for fantasizing, anger, aspirations, comfort, and freedom, and uses their perceived image of Philippa to their own ends.

Otava, August 2022, 383pp.

Rights sold:
FINLAND: Otava (orig.)
LATVIA: Jana Rozes Apgads

Reading materials:
English sample and synopsis, Finnish edition

About author

Riikka Pulkkinen

Riikka Pulkkinen (b. 1980) is one of the top names in Finnish literature. Her debut novel The Limit (2006) gained wide attention, was a bestseller, and was adapted into a play and a TV series in Finland. Her international breakthrough came with her second novel, True (2010), which was the one novel everyone was talking about that year at the Frankfurt book fair. The novel has been published in 17 countries to date.

Pulkkinen’s novels are characterized by the precision with which she describes the psychology of the characters, and the philosophical themes that reflect from the characters into the refined structure of the novels and culminate on the level of the plot. The main questions she explores in her novels concern power, responsibility, and justice.

Pulkkinen has an M.A. in Literary Studies from the University of Helsinki, and she lives in Helsinki with her husband and her two children. She enjoys dancing and running in the forest or by the seaside. If she weren’t a writer, she would be a psychologist or a baker.

For her works, Riikka Pulkkinen has received the Kaarle award in 2007, the Laila Hirvisaari Fund stipend in 2007, the Veijo Meri Award in 2019, and her novel True was nominated for the Finlandia Prize in 2010. Her acclaimed novel Enchantment (Otava, 2022) will be published in English by Scribe in 2026, and her new novel Our Last Game (Otava, 2024) published in Finland in August 2024 is gaining starred reviews.


2024, Literary Fiction

Our Last Game

Riikka Pulkkinen

2022, Literary Fiction

The Enchantment

Riikka Pulkkinen

2010, Literary Fiction


Riikka Pulkkinen

2006, Literary Fiction

The Limit

Riikka Pulkkinen

THE ENCHANTMENT by Riikka Pulkkinen has been nominated for the Botnia Literature Prize!

We are very happy to announce that THE ENCHANTMENT (orig. Lumo, Otava, August 2022) by Riikka Pulkkinen has been nominated for the Botnia Literature Prize! 
The prize, worth 15 000 euros, is awarded for the seventh time in 2023,  to a title with an author originating from Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland, or currently living there. The winner will be announced in October. We are also very excited that THE ENCHANTMENT will be published in English by Scribe UK.

The Botnia Literature Prize jury praised Pulkkinen’s novel saying:  

“Riikka Pulkkinen’s The Enchantment introduces one to a traditional scene where a young girl is found dead, but the story is not traditionally straightforward. Its power is in the meanings one gives to girlhood and in how those meanings are suppressed under complex structures of power.

The story of the main character, told by multiple narrators, blurs into a text which is not meant to be completely clear. The identities are shifting, and they are illustrated by Pulkkinen with a playful searching, described naturally and beautifully. Even if the acts of both squeezing oneself into a role and tearing oneself apart from them are described at times even violently, the story is underlined with a deep understanding and warmth for the subject.

Pulkkinen’s novel is an autopsy of stories in a time in which the power to create your own story is ever-present, but at the same time the authority to interpret stories has scattered far and wide. The enchantment of those stories we make up is reflected in Pulkkinen’s sharp prose. The tension between the beauty and the ugliness of the book makes one shiver.

The rights for THE ENCHANTMENT are free e.g. in Italy, France, Estonia, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Nordic countries, Asian territories…

Download materials for THE ENCHANTMENT here

Earlier this summer the English language rights were sold to SCRIBE:
“Enchantment is a deeply thought-out, psychological novel about the ways that we present ourselves, what we let others see and what we hide away. What seems at first like it could be a simple mystery about the unexpected death of a teenage girl becomes a fascinating dismantling of a well-worn trope, in which the ensemble cast reveal their own deepest fears and failings through their projections onto the central character of Philippa, who we never quite come to know in her own right.”
– The Publisher Molly Slight at Scribe UK 

Finnish praise:  “One can read Riikka Pulkkinen’s novel The Enchantment as a report of why Philippa died. The book naturally tells of her as a character who existed. But she can be read also as a description of girlhood and femininity. [–] Riikka Pulkkinen is skilled at writing about friendship, love, the caring of others, and of yearning. She manages again to charm the reader, to make them think of their own youth and how events in childhood have influenced adulthood.”   
–Kirjallisuustoimittaja book blog, Seppo Puttonen, former literary editor at YLE

“Riikka Pulkkinen triumphs with a metafictional novel.  A novel dealing with girlhood prompts readers to ponder the power of narrative.
– Helsingin Sanomat, Starred review



By Riikka Pulkkinen

This shiningly beautiful novel is an autopsy of girlhood and power

✓  Riikka Pulkkinen is a shining star in Finnish literature, an award-winning and bestselling author!

Philippa Laakso, aged seventeen, is found dead in her yard at home. Nothing suggests a crime, and everyone who knew her is certain she wasn’t suicidal. On the other hand, all who knew her seem to hold a differing view of her. The investigation sees them being interviewed, but behind every view and story is Philippa’s influence. She still has the people around her in a sharp grip: her friend, ex-boyfriend, teacher, neighbors.

Riikka Pulkkinen’s anticipated novel examines the power and comfort of make-believe and the thin line between love and play. Every character in the novel sees Philippa in his or her own way, as a mirror for fantasizing, anger, aspirations, comfort, and freedom, and uses their perceived image of Philippa to their own ends.

Otava, August 2022, 383 pp

Rights sold:
FINLAND: Otava (orig.)


Reading materials:

English sample & synopsis
German sample
Media coverage
Finnish edition

About author

Riikka Pulkkinen

Riikka Pulkkinen (b. 1980) is one of the top names in Finnish literature. Her debut novel The Limit (2006) gained wide attention, was a bestseller, and was adapted into a play and a TV series in Finland. Her international breakthrough came with her second novel, True (2010), which was the one novel everyone was talking about that year at the Frankfurt book fair. The novel has been published in 17 countries to date.

Pulkkinen’s novels are characterized by the precision with which she describes the psychology of the characters, and the philosophical themes that reflect from the characters into the refined structure of the novels and culminate on the level of the plot. The main questions she explores in her novels concern power, responsibility, and justice.

Pulkkinen has an M.A. in Literary Studies from the University of Helsinki, and she lives in Helsinki with her husband and her two children. She enjoys dancing and running in the forest or by the seaside. If she weren’t a writer, she would be a psychologist or a baker.

For her works, Riikka Pulkkinen has received the Kaarle award in 2007, the Laila Hirvisaari Fund stipend in 2007, the Veijo Meri Award in 2019, and her novel True was nominated for the Finlandia Prize in 2010. Her acclaimed novel Enchantment (Otava, 2022) will be published in English by Scribe in 2026, and her new novel Our Last Game (Otava, 2024) published in Finland in August 2024 is gaining starred reviews.


2024, Literary Fiction

Our Last Game

Riikka Pulkkinen

2022, Literary Fiction

The Enchantment

Riikka Pulkkinen

2010, Literary Fiction


Riikka Pulkkinen

2006, Literary Fiction

The Limit

Riikka Pulkkinen

Breaking news: SCRIBE acquires World English rights to THE ENCHANTMENT!

We are very happy to announce a wonderful World English sale for our award-winning author Riikka Pulkkinen and her highly acclaimed new novel THE ENCHANTMENT (orig. Lumo, Otava, August 2022).  SCRIBE,  a multi-award-winning independent publisher founded by publisher Henry Rosenbloom in 1976, with offices in London, and Melbourne, Australia has acquired World English rights to Riikka Pulkkinen’s novel The Enchantment for publication in 2025. Scribe has also published Riikka Pulkkinen’s debut novel The Limit in 2013. The deal was closed by Elina Ahlbäck at Elina Ahlback Literary Agency.

Riikka Pulkkinen is a shining star in Finnish literature, an award-winning and bestselling author with international publishers in 19 territories, nominated for the Finlandia Prize (True).

The Publisher Molly Slight at Scribe UK says:  “‘Enchantment is a deeply thought-out, psychological novel about the ways that we present ourselves, what we let others see and what we hide away. What seems at first like it could be a simple mystery about the unexpected death of a teenage girl becomes a fascinating dismantling of a well-worn trope, in which the ensemble cast reveal their own deepest fears and failings through their projections onto the central character of Philippa, who we never quite come to know in her own right.”

Finnish praise:  “One can read Riikka Pulkkinen’s novel The Enchantment as a report of why Philippa died. The book naturally tells of her as a character who existed. But she can be read also as a description of girlhood and femininity. [–] Riikka Pulkkinen is skilled at writing about friendship, love, the caring of others, and of yearning. She manages again to charm the reader, to make them think of their own youth and how events in childhood have influenced adulthood.”    Kirjallisuustoimittaja book blog, Seppo Puttonen, former literary editor at YLE

“Riikka Pulkkinen triumphs with a metafictional novel.  A novel dealing with girlhood prompts readers to ponder the power of narrative.” – Helsingin Sanomat, Starred review

“Riikka Pulkkinen is a … Finnish Joyce Carol Oates.” – Livres Hebdo, France

Download materials for THE ENCHANTMENT here



By Riikka Pulkkinen

This shiningly beautiful novel is an autopsy of girlhood and power

✓  Riikka Pulkkinen is a shining star in Finnish literature, an award-winning and bestselling author with international publishers in 19 territories!

Philippa Laakso, aged seventeen, is found dead in her yard at home. Nothing suggests a crime, and everyone who knew her is certain she wasn’t suicidal. On the other hand, all who knew her seem to hold a differing view of her. The investigation sees them being interviewed, but behind every view and story is Philippa’s influence. She still has the people around her in a sharp grip: her friend, ex-boyfriend, teacher, neighbors.

Riikka Pulkkinen’s anticipated novel examines the power and comfort of make-believe and the thin line between love and play. Every character in the novel sees Philippa in his or her own way, as a mirror for fantasizing, anger, aspirations, comfort, and freedom, and uses their perceived image of Philippa to their own ends.

Otava, August 2022, 383 pp

Rights sold: 
FINLAND: Otava (orig.)


Reading materials:

English sample & synopsis
German sample
Media coverage
Finnish edition

About author

Riikka Pulkkinen

Riikka Pulkkinen (b. 1980) is one of the top names in Finnish literature. Her debut novel The Limit (2006) gained wide attention, was a bestseller, and was adapted into a play and a TV series in Finland. Her international breakthrough came with her second novel, True (2010), which was the one novel everyone was talking about that year at the Frankfurt book fair. The novel has been published in 17 countries to date.

Pulkkinen’s novels are characterized by the precision with which she describes the psychology of the characters, and the philosophical themes that reflect from the characters into the refined structure of the novels and culminate on the level of the plot. The main questions she explores in her novels concern power, responsibility, and justice.

Pulkkinen has an M.A. in Literary Studies from the University of Helsinki, and she lives in Helsinki with her husband and her two children. She enjoys dancing and running in the forest or by the seaside. If she weren’t a writer, she would be a psychologist or a baker.

For her works, Riikka Pulkkinen has received the Kaarle award in 2007, the Laila Hirvisaari Fund stipend in 2007, the Veijo Meri Award in 2019, and her novel True was nominated for the Finlandia Prize in 2010. Her acclaimed novel Enchantment (Otava, 2022) will be published in English by Scribe in 2026, and her new novel Our Last Game (Otava, 2024) published in Finland in August 2024 is gaining starred reviews.


2024, Literary Fiction

Our Last Game

Riikka Pulkkinen

2022, Literary Fiction

The Enchantment

Riikka Pulkkinen

2010, Literary Fiction


Riikka Pulkkinen

2006, Literary Fiction

The Limit

Riikka Pulkkinen

FILI grants and latest reviews

We wish to remind you that the final FILI grant application period is open from 1st October to 1st November!

In the previous application period of Spring 2022, over 90 projects received the FILI grant with over 150 000 EUR awarded in total! See the previously awarded projects here.

Up to 70% of translation costs from Finnish, Finland-Swedish and Sámi languages can be covered by a FILI translation grant. There are three application periods per year, and the fall application period is 1.10.-1.11.2022.

This is a perfect time to acquire exciting new Finnish titles – see some of our fall highlights below, and access our whole catalogue here!

Inherited Land by Maria Turtschaninoff

Following in the tradition of family sagas like One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez.

The roots of man and forest are intertwined in the depths of the earth.

Maria Turtschaninoff’s first adult fiction novel Inherited Land explores a current topic, climate crisis, in a unique way. It depicts human relationship with nature across centuries, across generations and is a reminder of human’s relationship to the nature and what it could possibly look like in the future.

 The book is beautiful like a piece of jewellery and rich like a forest. [–] The episodic grip and the enormous reach of time makes Inherited Land a string of stories rather than one single one. In this world, Turtschaninoff paints the weight of historical reality heavier than that of fantasy even though there are fantasy elements too.”
Freja Rudels, Åbo Underrättelser newspaper

Download the English materials for INHERITED LAND here!


The Enchantment by Riikka Pulkkinen

This shiningly beautiful novel is an autopsy of girlhood, power, and truth.

Philippa Laakso, aged seventeen, is found dead in her home yard. Nothing suggests a crime, and everyone who knew her is certain she wasn’t suicidal. On the other hand, everyone who knew her seems to hold a differing view of her. The investigation sees everyone who knew her being interviewed, but behind every view and story there is Philippa’s influence. She still has the people around her in a sharp grip: her friend, ex-boyfriend, teacher, neighbours.   Riikka Pulkkinen’s anticipated novel examines the power and comfort of make-believe and the thin line between love and play.

 I’d want to write long and in-depth about [the novel], but I’ll try to hold myself in check. Simply put: The Enchantment impressed me. [–] The reader is given a lot to think about with both the content and the narration.”
Tuijata culture blog

Download the English materials for THE ENCHANTMENT here! 


The Italian Game by Vera Vala

“The heart of darkness is in the human mind.”
Elena Ferrante meets Jo Nesbø in this new crime series!

The Greater Milan area lives in fear. A mysterious stalker is terrorizing people, and a serial killer called the Harlequin is picking their victims, branding them with jewellery. Are the two cases connected?

Salla Kotka, starting her career as a forensic psychologist, gets pulled into the threatening chain of events as she begins working for a defense attorney. Their client is the suspected serial killer, and Salla needs to help the defense uncover the truth.

 The Italian Game is a true cornucopia. I loved the descriptions of Italy, its society and the lifestyle of the Italians. [–] I liked the charaters, they are considerably more well-rounded and psychologically more sound than those usually seen in crime novels. [The Finnish] Salla Kotka is an interesting protagonist both for her intelligence and for her traumas and darkness..”
 Marin kirjaillat blog

Download the English materials for THE ITALIAN GAME here!


The Night of Ancient Lights by Hanna Meretoja

For readers of Rachel Cusk and Maggie Nelson

Elea has just heard that she is seriously ill and wants to share with friends the sense of urgency that shakes her to her core. The push-and-pull of hope and despair permeates the narration that flows in the rhythm of the sea, in dialogue with Virginia Woolf’s Waves and Tove Jansson’s Summer Book. It captures the soul of the Finnish archipelago – the world’s largest island labyrinth.

The tensions between the characters live and find new ways, as they need to come face-to-face with painful ideas of loss, ending and the limitations of life. [–] Despite everything, in the night of the ancient lights, there is hope and a strong lust for life.”
Anna Ferrante in Anna Magazine

Download the English materials for THE NIGHT OF ANCIENT LIGHTS here!


In Your Shadow by Martta Kaukonen

A new thriller by Martta Kaukonen whose debut Follow the Butterfly sold to 13 territories! 

The harassment of women should be kept silent no longer, a small group of activists declares and demands justice. But at what price?   When #metoo spread through the media like wildfire, many victims of harassment felt hopeful – now we can talk about it, now the change begins. But the fire died and things did not change. Traumas did not disappear and justice is yet to come.

Martta Kaukonen’s In Your Shadow is an irresistibly convincing work. Narratively it’s gripping: the story reveals, in a well-thoughtout order, small pieces of the characters’ past and motives. A recommendation.”
Dekkarihelmenkalastaja bookstagram

Download the English materials for IN YOUR SHADOW here!


Förlaget, August 2020, 371 pp.

Rights sold: FINLAND (Swedish): Förlaget (orig.), FINLAND (Finnish): Tammi, AZERBAIJAN: Alatoran




Otava, September 2022, 383 pp.

Rights sold: FINLAND: Otava (orig.)




Italialainen peli
WSOY, August 2022, 414 pp.

Rights sold: FINLAND: WSOY (orig.)




WSOY, June 2022, 462 pp.

Rights sold: FINLAND: WSOY (orig.)




Sinun varjossasi
WSOY, July 2022, 276 pp.

Rights sold: FINLAND: WSOY (orig.)

About author

Hanna Meretoja

Hanna Meretoja is an internationally renowned literary scholar, a professor of comparative literature, and narrative theorist whose work has been published by prestigious academic publishers. Her monographs include The Ethics of Storytelling: Narrative Hermeneutics, History, and the Possible (2018, Oxford University Press). Her work is mainly in the fields of narrative studies, cultural memory studies, and trauma studies. As a novelist, Meretoja has a unique lyrical voice that seamlessly threads cultural theory and philosophy into a poetic, ruptured narrative with an acute sense of lived experience.

About author

Maria Turtschaninoff

Maria Turtschaninoff is known for crafting lyrical, historically inspired fantasy stories starring strong female protagonists. In addition to J.R.R. Tolkien, she counts Philip Pullman, Ursula K. Le Guin and C.S. Lewis among her favorite authors. She is a two-time winner of the Society of Swedish Literature Prize, winner of the Swedish YLE Literature Prize, winner of the Thank You for the Book Award, a nominee for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (2020-2024), and winner of the 2014 Finlandia Junior Prize. In 2024, Maria Turtschaninoff won the Eeva Joenpelto Literary Prize (10,000 euro award) for her literary masterpiece Inherited Land.

Her Red Abbey Chronicles YA trilogy has been sold into 30 languages, while her first adult novel Inherited Land has been sold to 23 territories. Maria has a Master of Arts in human ecology and works full-time as a writer.

About author

Martta Kaukonen

Martta Kaukonen (1976) lives in Helsinki. Before becoming a full-time author, she worked as a film critic, whose reviews have been published in both Finland’s biggest newspaper Helsingin Sanomat and a popular women’s weekly magazine Me Naiset. Martta has a master’s degree in arts. She has interviewed the likes of Robert Downey Jr. and Justin Bieber. Martta met her husband at his second hand bookshop and fell in love. Alongside writing, Martta loves psychological thrillers, film noir, flea markets, abandoned houses and travelling. Martta’s debut novel FOLLOW THE BUTTERFLY was published in March 2021. FOLLOW THE BUTTERFLY is an Instagram sensation in Finland, and the Helsingin Sanomat newspaper released a highly-praising review of it. During the first two months, the audiobook was listened to an awe-inspiring 2000 times and over. FOLLOW THE BUTTERFLY  has been compared to Gillian Flynn’s novel ‘Gone Girl’. 

About author

Riikka Pulkkinen

Riikka Pulkkinen (b. 1980) is one of the top names in Finnish literature. Her debut novel The Limit (2006) gained wide attention, was a bestseller, and was adapted into a play and a TV series in Finland. Her international breakthrough came with her second novel, True (2010), which was the one novel everyone was talking about that year at the Frankfurt book fair. The novel has been published in 17 countries to date.

Pulkkinen’s novels are characterized by the precision with which she describes the psychology of the characters, and the philosophical themes that reflect from the characters into the refined structure of the novels and culminate on the level of the plot. The main questions she explores in her novels concern power, responsibility, and justice.

Pulkkinen has an M.A. in Literary Studies from the University of Helsinki, and she lives in Helsinki with her husband and her two children. She enjoys dancing and running in the forest or by the seaside. If she weren’t a writer, she would be a psychologist or a baker.

For her works, Riikka Pulkkinen has received the Kaarle award in 2007, the Laila Hirvisaari Fund stipend in 2007, the Veijo Meri Award in 2019, and her novel True was nominated for the Finlandia Prize in 2010. Her acclaimed novel Enchantment (Otava, 2022) will be published in English by Scribe in 2026, and her new novel Our Last Game (Otava, 2024) published in Finland in August 2024 is gaining starred reviews.

About author

Vera Vala

Vera Vala’s roots are in Finnish forests, but her soul belongs to Italy, where she has been living for over 25 years. She has an infinite thirst for knowledge that has taken her to study various academic subjects from Physics to Assyriology and Romance Languages, and the information acquired during those years has been useful as background research for her novels.

Vera’s adventurous spirit has taken her from diving with sharks while living in Seychelles to rafting in Italian Alps and exploring the shadier parts of her former hometown, Rome: the diverse experiences have come in handy while creating intriguing plot twists.

Currently, Vera lives with her family in Milan where she is studying to become a clinical psychologist with a special interest in Forensic Psychology. Vera creates novel scenes in her mind while cooking Italian meals, and she loves slow chess games and meditation.

THE ENCHANTMENT hits bestseller lists and gains excellent new praise!

We are incredibly happy to share new praise from the critics and readers alike for Riikka Pulkkinen’s shiningly beautiful new title, examining girlhood and power. THE ENCHANTMENT is in Top 10 Finnish bestsellers of the biggest bookstore chain in Finland, and the readers love it!

Download the English materials for THE ENCHANTMENT here! 

 In addition to the identities based on illusion and stories, in the center of Riikka Pulkkinen’s new novel is the line which marks the divide between an innocent and an accomplice, between a child and one liable. [–] Pulkkinen writes with depth but also entertainingly, and the meanings of the novel are not diminished by reading it all in one go, which is a characteristic of a successful novel.”
Heidi Heinonen in Kaleva newspaper

I’d want to write long and in-depth about [the novel], but I’ll try to hold myself in check. Simply put: The Enchantment impressed me. [–] The reader is given a lot to think about with both the content and the narration.”
Tuijata culture blog

The Enchantment is breathtaking in a multifaceted way [–] there is cohesion, and the connections between identity, narration, and its artificiality make the novel a fascinating read.”
– Etelä-Suomen Sanomat newspaper

In Pulkkinen’s skillfully built world, truth is a very subjective term and the reader constantly needs to wonder whose perspective is true and who has made things up – is there a universal truth somewhere among the many truths, does it even exist? [–] The narratively secretive and mind-twisting mystery opens up layer by layer, as each of those who knew Philippa tells about their relationship with the girl.”
– Jennipupulandia on instagram

About author

Riikka Pulkkinen

Riikka Pulkkinen (b. 1980) is one of the top names in Finnish literature. Her debut novel The Limit (2006) gained wide attention, was a bestseller, and was adapted into a play and a TV series in Finland. Her international breakthrough came with her second novel, True (2010), which was the one novel everyone was talking about that year at the Frankfurt book fair. The novel has been published in 17 countries to date.

Pulkkinen’s novels are characterized by the precision with which she describes the psychology of the characters, and the philosophical themes that reflect from the characters into the refined structure of the novels and culminate on the level of the plot. The main questions she explores in her novels concern power, responsibility, and justice.

Pulkkinen has an M.A. in Literary Studies from the University of Helsinki, and she lives in Helsinki with her husband and her two children. She enjoys dancing and running in the forest or by the seaside. If she weren’t a writer, she would be a psychologist or a baker.

For her works, Riikka Pulkkinen has received the Kaarle award in 2007, the Laila Hirvisaari Fund stipend in 2007, the Veijo Meri Award in 2019, and her novel True was nominated for the Finlandia Prize in 2010. Her acclaimed novel Enchantment (Otava, 2022) will be published in English by Scribe in 2026, and her new novel Our Last Game (Otava, 2024) published in Finland in August 2024 is gaining starred reviews.


2024, Literary Fiction

Our Last Game

Riikka Pulkkinen

2022, Literary Fiction

The Enchantment

Riikka Pulkkinen

2010, Literary Fiction


Riikka Pulkkinen

2006, Literary Fiction

The Limit

Riikka Pulkkinen